Haute Couture or High Street? It doesn’t matter as long as you are warm, right? And as long as you look great…and feel great…and the quality is good…right…So which one should I choose again?
There are two natural forces running a woman’s mind: one is making her shop excessively and another one is dragging her into insanely expensive purchases. Being one of them (women, not purchases), I admit I am aware of the urges throughout the whole process, and that I am not even trying to fight them. There is a certain satisfaction in paying for what you can’t afford and a certain power in wearing what everyone wants. Besides, when in presence of a divine designer piece, all the important stuff seems so overrated.
And there is a perfectly logical explanation for the existence of designer clothes customer army. Being clothed is just not good enough, please get me some Chinese silk, I am allergic to cotton!