Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fashionable Husbands

Once you’re all dressed up and ready to go, you realize that the little ruffled thing walking next to you (aka your husband) just won’t do. First you start with the basics: ironing, shaving, haircut… But when you’re done with the grooming, it looks as if it’s not enough. That’s when you start experimenting with male fashion (even if you don’t know anything about it, he obviously knows less). You take him shopping (tormenting enough), make him try on everything in a size smaller than comfortable and reject everything he reaches for (tartan and granny-like patterns). And that’s in a nutshell how a cool guy starts wearing pink shirts.

The term ‘fashion victim’ has just become a little more literal…At least you can’t say he didn’t know what he’s getting himself into, he did meet you and all your evil whims before. And if he starts complaining and showing resistance, you can always threaten with waxing. That should help…


American Eagle Outfitters,50DhsAmerican Eagle Outfitters,50Dhs




Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Haute Couture VS High Street

Haute Couture or High Street? It doesn’t matter as long as you are warm, right? And as long as you look great…and feel great…and the quality is good…right…So which one should I choose again?

There are two natural forces running a woman’s mind: one is making her shop excessively and another one is dragging her into insanely expensive purchases. Being one of them (women, not purchases), I admit I am aware of the urges throughout the whole process, and that I am not even trying to fight them. There is a certain satisfaction in paying for what you can’t afford and a certain power in wearing what everyone wants. Besides, when in presence of a divine designer piece, all the important stuff seems so overrated.

And there is a perfectly logical explanation for the existence of designer clothes customer army. Being clothed is just not good enough, please get me some Chinese silk, I am allergic to cotton!

In Wear,50DhsIn Wear,50Dhs

In Wear,75DhsIn Wear,75Dhs


Friday, September 3, 2010

The Outlet Mall - My Second Home

The outlet mall is a place where you go to feel rich when you’re not. You can pretend that you wear designer clothes only and you can afford to buy the most expensive item in the store. And the outfit you’re wearing for the occasion is the one you bought the last time you visited.

The only problem is that the outlet malls are always located far from the city centre, as if they are sending out a message to lazy shoppers. And as far as I know, there is no plan for metro line extensions or relocation. Such a shame…

In Wear,50DhsIn Wear,50Dhs



Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ladies Who Lunch

‘Ladies who lunch’ don’t exactly eat all the time. They also do yoga, shop a lot and spend weekends at spa centers. Isn’t simply fabulous being one of them? It’s a guarantee for packed closets, bunch of diamonds, lack of love and neglected kids, in that order exactly.

Coming from a place where ladies lunch only if they prepared a meal by themselves, I found the whole concept extremely convenient. Very neat and fashionable, good for skin, good for nails, relaxing for the mind…Such a shame it comes with downsides.




Saturday, June 26, 2010

World Cup Fashion Issues

I didn’t expect to have fun watching the World Cup matches, but a little fashion touch wouldn’t hurt. Besides a few tight team shirts that I liked for a completely different reason, there’s nothing fashionable to see on the court or around it.

What happened to those Italian guys? It was all about the coiffure before and now suddenly it’s all about football? I don’t get it!

And where have all the WAGs gone? I want to see them clapping from the audience, pretending they understand the rules, all made up, with tones of make-up and a perfect blow-dry. Now, that would be a good World Cup game.



Soaked in Luxury,95DhsSoaked in Luxury,95Dhs

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dubai Summer Surprises

Dubai Summer Surprises – we’ve seen it before, we know what it’s like and we know when it’s coming, so what’s so surprising about it?

Now, that would be an amateur’s question. I took the ‘opening walk’ (as I call the initial visit to the malls when the sales have just started) and I must say that surprise levels are just satisfactory. Not even the articles from the last sale still standing on the same shelves can ruin the excitement of a good bargain.

And if you are still waiting for a piece of couture for pocket money, you’re gonna live one surprise-less life.

American Eagle OutfittersAmerican Eagle Outfitters,60Dhs

Bebe,20 DhsBebe,20Dhs


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Singapore Shopping Festival

I was one of the shopping pilgrims heading to Singapore to grab a piece of Singapore Shopping Festival. All of my favorite fashion magazines said it’s a ‘must-do’, so who am I to oppose? Got a little bored with Dubai sales at the time and decided to stretch my legs around a new shopping mine field.

The number of shopping malls was more than satisfactory (every building has one instead of a parking lot), but what I found inside was not as exciting as I thought it would be.

After a few days of digging through the darkest corners and the deepest shelves, exhausted from all the hope, I was approached by a local woman who was doing a survey on the subject. I couldn’t wait to tell her how disappointed I was, since I came ‘all the way from Dubai’ to spend my ‘hardly earned dirhams’ and look what I got!

Maybe it was a little harsh considering the fact that I came back home with additional luggage.

Le Chateau,59DhsLe Chateau,59Dhs

